
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Treatment of chronic diseases through chronic pots

Ubqari Magazine - October 2019

Readers I collect precious pearls from you and never conceal from you too need to be generous(editor sheikh ul wazaif Hazrat hakeem Muhammed majzubi chogtai)

If you don’t remember can ask from your elders

If you don’t remember you may ask from your elders or you may visit to restaurant and food streets where one rupee item gets one hundred rupees the reason of this expensive item is that they served food in old copper brass and bronze utensils that we have left out there is a restaurant in Karachi I have seen these utensils there now in marriages these pots are used again as a fashion these were the utensils by eating food in them no body remained childless you are astonished by my discussion you may also be wandering what it has connection with childlessness in fact, when we eat food in these pots the metal gradually also enters into us why is the scientific saying that plastic utensils are causing cancer do we eat the plastic utensils? or we chew them? or we drink them? Definitely no. once in journey I met a person he said to me I never thought that the use of plastic is causing cancer and incurable diseases once I had a chance to met an English man he was from itlee he was sitting in front of me in a restaurant he put some muddy water in a jar. He was eating in a very fine and beaytiful pots of plastic. But when ever he takes a bite of it he looks at the bite from all sides I was watching the whole scene at last I went near to him and sat on a chair and ask from him what are you looking in your food

Can you see the germs?

What is in the jar? Is there any germ in this bite which you are looking for? all these questions slipped out from my tongue suddenly I was anxiously awaiting for the answers of my questions that English man looked at me for few minutes then he answered me I don’t like that you suddenly interrupted in my research but the curiosity on your face is wonderful for me and lifted his glasses with the large sash and put that bite in his mouth and took a sip of tea and attracted me.

I have a PhD in pots

Actually I am a nutritionist and I have a PhD in pots and I have heard that using plastic utensils cause incurable diseases and cancer this a solution which I kept in a glass container which I got from water and plastic pots means that I put simple water in a plastic pot and did research on it then small particles joined which are unseen to ordinary human eyes and these particles contain dangerous and incurable disease molecules  now I have selected these restaurant especially to eat food in plastic utensils and I am deliberately inflicting in dangerous diseases inside me then shocking his shoulder with terrified eyes and said to me it does not matter if I lose one life but save the life of humanity and millions of lives will be saved then he asked me are you Indian then I said no I am Pakistani then he said me ok I have researched on all the utensils of world as long as our utensils were of brass and bronze we were not offspring we were not weak and did not grow old we were English man and we have lot of snowfall in area whenever we took bath and wash our areas pots used were made of these metals the particles of these metals enters in our body through the pores of our body and enhance our health ever since we left the use of those utensils we have forgotten the true life and we have gone astray the use of plastic utensils is very dangerous .

Upon returning I replaced all the home utensils

That English man were talking he has some pain and feelings and he has some truthiness I was listening to him attentively he make a bite and started to look at it very attentively and he said now he don’t have those sensitive instruments through which I show you that this bite contain how much particles of plastics are present in it that causes very dangerous diseases after entering in our body. Instead of changing our utensils, we are attracted toward medicines and treatment. And all the time we have a thought to have our everything beautiful. But through artificial ways, artificial make up, artificial juices, artificial foods, artificial dresses and artificial pots. It’s all about our living .He was giving me a lecture nobody was ready to listen to him I was listening to him because I like his discussion and felt his pain he was actually a Francis and could not speak English well but according to me his English was good as I am not good in English I went to itlee for some business terms but when I return I changed all the utensils of home (remaining on page 52)

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